Roof and wall are analyzed in the same way. In winter the heat loss is simple transmission based on the inside and outside temperature, and U-value of composite structure;
Q(winter) = U*A*(Ti-To)
Ti = Inside air temperature
To = Outside air temperature
In summer the solar radiation affects the outside surface of wall and roof. The absorbed radiation increases the temperature of the outside surface to a value that is greater than outside air temperature. This outside surface temperature is called Sol-air temperature. It depends on the properties of wall and roof structure, outside surface material and color, and solar radiation intensity component perpendicular to the outside surface. The solar radiation amount depends on the orientation of the surface, solar altitude angle, and solar azimuth angle.
An approximate equation for the sol-air temperature (Ts) of the outside surface of a given wall or roof is:
Ts = To + A * (Id + Is) / Hso
A = absorption coefficient of outside surface
Id = direct solar radiation on surface
Is = scatter or diffuse solar radiation
Hso = outside wall or roof surface film resistance
The heat gain through a wall or roof in summer is:
Q(summer) = U*A*(Ts - Ti)
Q must be adjusted for thermal lag and time delay. OR
Q(summer) = U*A*(CLTD) using the CLTD method
Wall CLTD selection
Roof CLTD selection
In CLTD/SCL/CLF method the heat gain through wall and roof is
Q = U*A*(CLTD)
Q = Sensible Heat Gain through Wall or Roof
A = Surface Area of Wall or Roof
U = Overall U-Value for composite Wall or Roof
CLTD=Cooling load temperature difference from ASHRAE table for a given
ASHRAE tables are for latitude 24oN, 36oN or 48oN, which cover U.S.A and Canada, for 16 predefined wall types and 14 predefined roof types.
NOTES: Wall CLTD values in the table are based on
Tavg = Tmax - ( Daily range / 2)
Tmax and daily range are available from ASHRAE weather data for cooling loads design calculation.
CLTD Corrected = CLTD table + (78-Troom) + (Tavg-85)
Example: Wall Type = 9; Tavg = 90oF; Troom = 70oF; Medium Construction; 9 PM; West Wall
CLTD Corrected = CLTD table + (78-70) + (90-85) = 47 + 8 + 5 = 60
NOTES: Roof CLTD values in the table are based on
Outside surface film resistance = 0.333 hr.ft2.oF / Btu
Inside surface film resistance = 0.685 hr.ft2.oF / Btu
Tavg = Tmax - ( Daily range / 2)
Tmax and daily range are available from ASHRAE weather data for cooling loads design calculation.
CLTD Corrected = CLTD table + (78-Troom) + (Tavg-85)
Example: Roof Type = 5; Tavg = 90oF; Troom = 70oF;
At 5:00 PM
CLTD Corrected = CLTD table + (78-70) + (90-85) = 71 + 8 + 5 = 84oF
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