Like the Oracle from the Matrix, Jeff Hirsch recently offered the energy modeling community a glimpse into the future, and what a bright future it is for eQUEST. Development of the eQUEST program is ongoing and there will be a new release with DOE-2.3 as the underlying engine sometime in the coming year.
eQUEST and DOE-2 are alive and well and our combined development efforts are at an equal or higher funding and effort level than ever before. -- Jeff Hirsch
There are so many reasons that putting to rest rumors of eQUEST's demise helps the community. First, the decision to make eQUEST the software of choice for energy modeling is easier for people. Whenever there is uncertainty surrounding a software product it makes it harder for people to dedicate their time and money to learning it.
A version of eQUEST that fully supports DOE-2.3 that will be released at the same time. (in the coming year) -- Jeff Hirsch
That's damn exciting.
We also ask that you continue to support one another in this and other forums, as the freeware nature of our products requires the user community to hang together and exchange information and ideas.
Here at we couldn't agree with this more. That's why we offer some pretty great free tools and reasonably priced training. The community needs to stick together and help each other out, but we continue to find that people are very resistant to sharing their knowledge openly, except for a select few individuals that basically carry the community (Thank you Nick, Carol, John, Bill, Pasha and a few others!). We hope people take Jeff's message to heart. Hopefully, knowing that eQUEST will be supported well into the future makes it easier to build a healthy community around the project.