DOAS and baseline OA

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I'm curious how everyone is handling the OA for Appendix G simulations when
using a DOAS in the proposed system. We have a design that is DOAS + FCU
with a total OA of 8,000 CFM. When you run the OA calcs for this same
building with a VAV system (the baseline), the total OA required to meet
Standard 62 is 39,000 CFM. This difference in OA represents a significant
energy savings (in climate zone 4A), yet Appendix G requires the OA volumes
to match. It does not seem "fair" to me that the proposed case cannot take
credit for design choice when it comes to OA. I feel like Appendix G should
make an exception for DOAS. Am I missing something? Is there a way around
this? Any thoughts are appreciated!


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