Updated Global Simulation Climate Dataset Available from Climate.OneBuilding.Org

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In July 2024, Climate.OneBuilding released updated TMYx with data through
2023. The TMYx data set now includes more than 17,000 locations in more
than 250 countries. Climate.OneBu ilding now hosts more than 75,000 weather
files from various sources including future projections for several
countries. [image: No Am.png]
To make it easier to find and download individual files, we have added both
KML maps and XLSX spreadsheets with links for all the datasets on
Climate.OneBuilding. We have already had more than 2 million weather files
downloaded in 2024 and are seeing more than 15,000 weather files downloaded
daily in August (>500,000!). https://climate.onebuilding.org *#climatedata*
*#weatherfiles* *#buildingperformance* *#buildingsimulation*

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Joined: 2011-10-02
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