Energy Modeler job announcement - please post

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M+W U.S., Inc. is seeking an experienced energy modeler to deliver the following services:

* Provide energy management engineering consulting services to internal and external customers.

* Identified and developed energy conservation-based projects

* Work with our engineering disciplines to identify opportunities to improve the energy performance of our client's facilities.

* Provide energy modeling services to customers within our target markets including the electronics, solar, nanotech, science and research and life sciences industries.

* Perform site assessments of our customers' existing operations to identify ways for them to reduce their energy costs

* Provide review and critique of our renewable / sustainable energy generation projects including solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, cogeneration, Trigeneration, bio-mass waste-to-energy, etc.

Candidate must be able to demonstrate experience with modeling process-intensive facilities to comply with ASHRAE 90.1 and LEED criteria. A licensed engineer or architect and LEED AP accreditation is strongly preferred.

Please e-mail all inquiries in confidence to: don.yeaman at

David Gibney, AIA, LEED AP

Gibney, David's picture
Joined: 2012-11-12
Reputation: 0