Call for papers - 11th ICEBO Conference, New York City, Oct. 18-20, 2011

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Call for Papers

11th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations
Best practices and policies in commissioning existing and new buildings

The staff of the International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations (ICEBO) invites you to submit an abstract for acceptance. The conference will be held October 18-20, 2011 at the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott in New York City. The conference is hosted by the Energy Systems Laboratory located at Texas A&M University, and is co-hosted by the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority, and co-sponsored by the Alliance to Save Energy. Topics include:
? Case studies of retro-commissioning of existing buildings and power plants
? Continuous Commissioning? in buildings and central plants
? Building commissioning/optimization as part of LEED? process
? Commissioning and optimization of on-site renewable energy systems
? Commissioning and optimization of critical care and data center facilities
? Workforce training for high-performance building operators
? Measuring and verifying performance of building improvements
? Indoor air quality and thermal comfort strategies
? Enhanced building operation, controls and emerging technologies
? Research initiatives for enhanced operations and controls
? New technologies for enhanced operations and controls
? Integration of on-site renewables into high performance buildings and operations
? Improved building automation, controls and sensor accuracy
? Smart building automation controls
? Market trends for smart buildings, smart controls, smart grid and smart technologies
? International harmonization efforts for smart controls and open specifications
? Smart building and smart grid strategies (policies, technologies and obstacles)
? High-performance sustainable buildings
? Government programs for high performance buildings and enhanced operations
? International, federal, state and local government building programs and policies
? Building energy labeling and certification such as LEED? and EPA Energy Star
? NYSERDA and New York City programs for enhanced building performance

The International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations (ICEBO) invites you to submit an abstract for acceptance. The conference will be held October 18-20, 2011 in New York City. The conference is hosted by the Energy Systems Laboratory located at Texas A&M University and is co-hosted by the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority, and co-sponsored by the Alliance to Save Energy.

The conference brings together an international group of leading practitioners, policy makers and researchers who routinely improve the health and comfort and minimize the energy consumption, operating costs, and environmental impacts of buildings. ICEBO 2011 is the leading forum for a timely exchange among individuals interested in the continuous improvement and maintenance of buildings, design, their energy usage and environmental impact.

The deadline for abstracts from prospective authors is Friday, April 15, 2011. Don?t
miss your opportunity to be a part of this valuable experience.

Abstracts (400 words or less) with lead author?s name, title, affiliation, and phone number
should be emailed to:

Jessica Coffin

Deadline to submit abstracts extended until April 15

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Joined: 2011-10-02
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