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????????? Dr. Abdullatif Ben-Nakhi?
? Professor?of? Mechanical Engineering????????????????????????
???? College of Technological Studies???????
????????? PAAET - State of Kuwait??????????????????

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: ICEBO2010
Sent: Tue, January 12, 2010 8:02:33 AM

Call for Papers
?10th International Conference for
Enhanced Building Operations
(ICEBO 2010)
?Energy efficiency applications for sustainable development
?Kuwait, October 26 - 28, 2010
You are invited to submit an abstract for the 10th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations (ICEBO 2010) to be held between 26 and 28 October, 2010 in Kuwait . The conference is organized by the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) and the Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL) at Texas A&M University , USA .
The conference brings together annually an international group of researchers, professionals and practitioners who routinely improve the energy efficiency, operating costs, and environmental impacts of buildings. ICEBO is a leading forum for timely exchanges among researchers, building operators, and professionals interested in the continuous advancement in energy efficiency applications.
We invite you to submit your best creative work and projects on the following topics:
* Best practices and policies in commissioning, retro-commissioning, and Continuous Commissioning?in new and existing buildings
* National energy efficiency and conservation policies and programs
* Improved building automation, controls, and sensor accuracy
* Achieving sustainable energy savings and occupant comfort
* High-performance sustainable and green buildings
* Successful programs for electric utility demand side and response management
* On-site and building integrated renewable energy applications (wind, solar, fuel cell, etc.)
* Measuring and verifying performance of building improvements
* Building energy labeling and certifications such as Energy Star [US EPA] and LEED?
* Indoor air quality and thermal comfort
ICEBO 2010 Language:? The official conference language will be English.?
ICEBO 2010Incentives and Awards:
-????????? Three nights complimentary single-room accommodation for presenting authors.
-????????? Recognition and cash prizes for best papers.
SUBMITyour abstractsof 200 - 400 words with authors' names, affiliations, phone numbers and email addresses online at the conference website (
DEADLINE:? The deadline for abstracts submission isMarch 1st, 2010.

ICEBO Conference Secretariat:
info at
Tel: (+965) 2498 9100/01/02
Fax: (+965) 2498 9099
Building & Energy Technologies Department
Environment and Urban Development Division
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research

Abdullatif Ben-Nakhi's picture
Joined: 2011-10-02
Reputation: 0