Baseboard heaters in VAV system

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I've got a building that cools with shutoff VAV boxes and heats with
perimeter hydronic baseboard heaters.

When I'm setting up my system, do I specify hot water baseboard heaters
and leave the Zone Heat Source set to "Not Installed", or do I specify a
hot water loop for the Zone Heat Source, and eQuest knows to apply this
to the baseboard heaters and NOT the shutoff VAV boxes?

I currently have the Zone Heat Source as "Not Installed", but it appears
from my SS-R reports that there are hundreds of hours of underheating,
so something is not working correctly. I've had my hot water loop set
to snap, demand, and scheduled, so I think the loop is running

Thanks in advance!

James Hansen, PE, LEED AP

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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