FW: LEED Review Comment - Exhaust Fans

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Dear Pasha,

Regarding you criticism of the reviewer's comments about the electric heat
use in case of your project - please note that he/she was correct. Please
note that according to G3.1.3.2 (ASHRAE Appendix G) boilers shall be
"natural draft". Your boiler type (forced draft) was incorrect. Contrary
to your assertion the reviewer was correct and possibly merely trying to
enforce consistent standard and I actually applaud him/her for that.


M. Magda Lelek, P.E., CEM

Magda Lelek's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 0

Magda, when you sent this email to me off-line before you forwarded it to
the eQuest list you didn't emphatically bold type your last statement---"I
actually applaud him/her for that"

Did you feel that more emphasis was needed in public than what you conveyed
to me with a private cc; to Michael and Omer as well?

I'm happy to have this open discussion with you and others, or better yet,
lets talk this out with each other give me a call on my personal cell #
308-763-1593 any time it is convenient for you. I work in MST time zone.

Thanks Magda--would love to talk to you about what training and simulation
support you could offer me to help me improve my skills and my services I am
offering to my clients. They will thank you for that too. Let's talk about
a training contract where I can get some knowledge from you?

Let me know if you'd be willing to help me learn to be better at what I'm
trying to do.


2011/6/17 Magda Lelek

Pasha Korber-Gonzalez's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 600


Isn't the G3.1.3.2 requirement for a natural draft boiler only for the
baseline? The proposed model should reflect the as-designed heating plant.

If the boiler is oil-fired a forced draft burner is required.

Even a natural draft boiler uses some electric energy for the gas valves, stack
damper, intermittent ignition and control system.

Paul Diglio

Paul Diglio's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 400