[Equest-users] fuel oil and boilers

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I am running a simulation with a fuel-oil boiler, and have set up a
custom utility rate for fuel oil. There is no natural gas on site, the
DHW is heated electrically. However, the summary simulation sheets are
still reporting the fuel oil usage as "natural gas" . Is there a way
around this?

Kristin Gustafson's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 0


Make sure that you define a fuel meter of type "fuel oil" (see enclosed Illustration 1). Then, assign it to the boiler (see second illustration). You should then be able to see the fuel oil usage as "fuel oil" (see third screen capture).

Hope that helps,


Demba Ndiaye's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 200