Historical Weather Data for EnergyPlus

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Dear Sim List:

I'm attempting to calibrate an EnergyPlus / DesignBuilder model for an
existing building using actual weather data.

I've downloaded data from the EnergyPlus website at:
for the three weather stations in the Minneapolis / St Paul area for
2009 and 2010.

When I examine this data, there are about 70 days of data missing for
2009 and about 20 days of data missing for 2010.
I have checked the option to "fill in missing time steps'; evidently
these gaps are each too wide to be bridged with estimated data.
Even worse, the holes are virtually identical for all three weather
stations in the Twin Cities area so that I don't have the option of
creating a synthetic year from actual data from local stations.
EnergyPlus Support suggest that the weather stations may have been
"taken down for maintenance". It seems to me that taking down all the
stations in a given area simultaneously is exactly what one wouldn't
want to do.

Can anyone shed any light on this ? Any ideas for other sources of
hourly TMY2 or TMY3 data for this area ?


Dave Bryan, AIA, LEED AP

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