EPW file radiation inputs

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I have?two questions about some of the inputs in EPW (weather) files, and any advice would be greatly appreciated.?
1. According to the help files, EnergyPlus either uses the Horizontal Infrared Radiation Intensity or calculates it using the Opaque Sky Cover.? We are making a custom EPW file from our own weather station data, and we do not have either of those variables.? We do have Direct Normal Radiation, Diffuse Horizontal Radiation, and Global Horizontal Illuminance.? Does anyone have any advice for overcoming this hurdle, for example could we estimate the Opaque Sky Cover from our available data?
2.? We also do not have Atmospheric Station Pressure.? I was wondering how this information is used in the simulations and what would be the best way to deal with this missing data.
Thank you in advance!

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