DOE-2 - Heating loads

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Dear all,

I am trying to calculate the heating loads of a residential tower using DOE 2.1E, and I'm having some trouble.

Here is what I want:

- Hourly values of heating load of a residential tower. i.e., "heat" that the system must supply to keep the temperature setpoint

- The load values should correspond to a building in which (in addition to occupancy and plug loads) the setpoint temperature changes according to a schedule defined by me (since it is a residential building, the temperature setpoint would drop when occupants are at work or sleeping)

This is the problem I have:

- According to the DOE manual, the values of the "loads" report are based on the assumption that the space is kept at a constant temperature (the default is 74F, but can be changed)

- The manual also says that the "loads" are corrected in the "systems" calculation. The "loads" report in the "systems" section provides values that (in many hours of the year) differ from those in the "loads" report in the "loads section". However, I think these may be adjusted to account for the heat gains, but they are not adjusted according to the temperature setpoint schedule.

Finally, these are my questions:

- Is there a variable in either the "loads" of "systems" section that corresponds to what I'm looking for?

- If not, is there a way to simulate an "ideal" system (if so, I could use its energy (fuel) use)

- Any general comments on this?

Thanks so much in advance for your help!!



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