IES VE Dehumidification Question

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Building Simulation Community -

I'm having issues with humidity in some models I'm running while trying to use ApacheHVAC. I have set my "Maximum Percent Saturation" to 50%, and in the VE ASHRAE Loads Results Data tab of the loads data spreadsheet it shows that max input as 50%. If I go into Vista and highlight my "filename.asp" file for the run that is linked to my ApacheHVAC system and run the "Heating and Cooling Report" and look at the "Comfort - Occupied" section all of my rooms have a Max% Relative Humidity of 85-100%. This is the same if I select "Systems" from the drop down and investigate Relative Humidity on a node by node basis at the rooms in my ApacheHVAC system.

Rooms in my model that are not assigned to an ApacheHVAC system and are left with the default ApacheSystems system show that they are being maintained at 50% RH.

All rooms whether assigned to the ApacheHVAC systems or the default systems show that they're letting room temperatures float to Unoccupied setpoints during the "Comfort - Occupied" times.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, the buildings I'm trying to work on are located in Louisville, KY and Tampa, FL so not accounting for dehumidification is going to vastly effect the cooling load.


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Joined: 2011-09-30
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