FW: Cost of LEED certification

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I agree with Harvey too. Moreover, you can ask if LEED (and others systems)
necessarily incentive a climatic, energy-conscious architectural design to
achieve better performance buildings. I am afraid the answer is not. I
recommend the reading of a paper by Edna Shaviv in the last PLEA in Dublin,
"Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) vs. Green Architecture (LEED)".

In her conclusion she states:

"The fact that all energy saving features are put in one basket, and the
energy standard are defined in such a way that the goals can be achieved
with no need for good architectural design, leads to the present situation.
First, we should straggle first, that Passive Solar Design will be treated
as any other renewable energy, which means, that it will be awarded twice.
Second, the Building Code should treat the energy conscious building design
separately from the mechanical and the hot water systems..."

Arch. Guedi Capeluto, D.Sc.

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