Dear Sir,
Please, if there is interest, we need papers for this conference in
Best regards
Milorad Bojic, prof.
Building Energy Simulations & Optimizations (SSBESO-10)
The Third IASTED African Conference on Modelling and Simulation (AfricaMS
September 6 ? 8, 2010, Gaborone, Botswana
Important Dates
# Papers Due: *** March 15, 2010 ***
* Notification of Acceptance: ***May 1, 2010***
* Final Manuscripts Due: *** June 1, 2010***
* Registration Deadline: ***June 15, 2010***
* Conference dates: ***September 6 ? September 8, 2010***
# Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings
Increasingly, computer simulations and optimizations of energy flow inside
built environment are being employed to inform decisions in building design,
construction, operation, and maintenance. The objectives are improved energy
efficiency, minimum life cycle cost, quality life support, and optimized
environmental performance. The submitted papers should deal with different
simulation and optimization tools and techniques for (1) building physics;
(2) air conditioning and heating systems; (3) energy supply systems, (4) air
movement in buildings; (5) indoor air quality, (6) building services
(lighting systems, cold and hot water supply); and (7) environmentally green
SPECIAL SESSION on Building Energy Simulations & Optimizations at AfricaMS
2010 intends to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss key
issues, approaches, open problems, innovative applications and trends in
this research area.
Papers should contain original contributions not published or submitted
elsewhere. Papers up to 10 pages (including figures, tables and references)
can be submitted. Papers should follow the
format, which is single spaced, two columns, 10 pt Times New Roman font. All
submissions should be electronic (in PDF) and will be peer-reviewed by at
least two program committee
Full papers accepted for the workshop will be included in the proceedings.
Note that at least one author from each accepted paper should register to
attend AfricaMS 2010 to get the paper published in the proceedings. The
papers should be submitted at : bojic at
or by using EasyChair at