How to Oversize Boilers & Chillers as per ASHRAE 90.1

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Dear all,

ASHRAE 90.1 requires that you oversize chillers by 15% and boilers by

Having 2 chillers, I initially entered 1.15 for the capacity ratio for
each of the chillers.

I read a recent email on the forum saying that the capacity ratio must
be 0.575 for each (for a total of 1.15).

The issue is that the %improvement in the energy costs was 22.2% for the
1.15 Capacity Ratio and 16.5% for the 0.575 Capacity Ratio. The
difference between both scenarios translates to 3 LEED Credits, which is
super important!

I'd honestly like to use the 1.15 figure! Has anyone got a comment
review that he/she must use 0.575?

Many thanks,

Omar Katanani

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