Heat Exchanger added to simple SD model with DOAS added - 3000% increase in energy for fans

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So this is pretty odd I'm running a simple SD wizard generated office
building and adding the DOAS to it in DD edit mode. The DOAS works as
expected (Thanks to Brian Fountain) slightly lowering the space
heating & increasing vent. Fans. over a case without the DOAS. Now
when I add a heat exchanger to the DOAS (PVVT) it causes the fan usage
to go nuts increasing Vent. Fans from 0.2E6 kWh to 6.5E6 kWh while the
space heating drops from a resonable (I think) 3.7E9BTU to 0.4E9BTU.

If someone could point me in the right direction to sort out why the
heat exchanger is causing such a huge increase I'd really appreciate

I have played with the DOAS fan schedules and can effect the increase
downwards but not enough to make this reasonable. I've attached the
DOAS with Heat exchanger .pd2 & .inp file. To see the results without
the heat exchanger just turn it off. I'll attach my weather file as
well so that it's easier to look at my file.

Thank you for the help.

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