Equest:Variation in pumping energy for Baseline system 8

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Dear friends,

I am working on two projects of core and shell where the baseline system is
system 8 i.e VAV with fan powered boxes.

There are two different building which are very similar in nature (not same)
and situated at same location.

However there are differences in the way the two models are behaving.

I have shown the breakdown of different end uses as a percentage of overall
baseline energy consumption

Project 1

Plug loads: 25.5 %

Interior Lighting: 16%

Cooling energy: 28.7%

Fan energy: 21%

Pumps: 6.3 %

Space heating: 0.1%

Domestic hot water + Exterior Lighting: 1.3 %

Project 2

Plug loads: 24 %

Interior lighting: 15%

Cooling energy: 18%

Fan energy: 25%

Pumps: 15 %

Space heating: 0.3%

Domestic hot water + Exterior Lighting: 1.3%

It can be seen that the energy consumed due to plug loads and interior
lighting as a percentage of baseline are all most equal in both the cases.

Can anyone suggest possible explanation or give hints as to why the pumping
energy as a percentage of baseline has more than doubled in the

second case given that the characteristics of chiller, condenser and pump
remain same ,given it is the baseline case.

One difference is that the first project uses two chillers as it has
conditioned area more than 1, 20,000 sq ft while the second project has only

one chiller ,its conditioned area being less than 1, 20,000

Vishnuraj Nair

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Joined: 2011-10-02
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