Equest - Process Loads: Heat Gain or Consumption

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When I am performing calculations in Equest I am confused about several

1) Lighting: I am asked to input the W/ft^2. Does this only
account for the amount of electricity consumed to provide light to the
space and/or does it also account for the heat the light gives off?

2) Miscellaneous Equipment: If I have a coffee machine or computer,
does this ask for the energy consumption only and/or the heat
contributed to the space?

3) Process Loads: on the screen there are two columns under Electric
and two columns under Process Loads. I want to make sure that the heat
gain from my pumps, chillers, etc is reflected in these spaces. If I
type in the btu/sf under process loads will that do the trick? Does the
electric side need to know the total electric consumption in w/ft^2 for
these pieces of equipment or can I leave it blank? My big issue is
accounting for the heat gain from the equipment and what each of the
four columns represents: energy consumption or heat output.

As always, Thank You for your help.

Scott Runyon, LEED AP

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Joined: 2011-10-01
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