Auto-size HVAC from Detailed Mode

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Ok, I am going to show how uneducated I am with eQuest?I was able to reduce my unmet hours on my baseline case by autosizing the equipment. Now, I?m having problems with my proposed case. I finally looked at the PS-A report and it?s showing that my heating and cooling are not coming on at all. I don?t even know where to start changing controls in detailed mode. My systems are 5 split system single zone heat pumps. The hours are only showing up in one room per system (and these rooms have no significant loads). I?ve tried changing the control space and it does nothing. Also, this is the error showing up every time I run the simulation:

ZONE EL1 Core Zn (G.C16)

might have insufficient heating capability.

Check that the SYSTEM or ZONE HEATING-CAPACITY plus this

ZONEs BASEBOARD-RATING is adequate to maintain the ZONE

specified DESIGN-HEAT-T for the calculated peak ZONE load

(see LS-A or LS-B for the ZONE peak load.)

I?ve included my .inp file if anyone has the time to take a look.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

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