90.1 - Exterior lighting parking

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In a project for a 24h retail, the exterior lighting need to comply to ASHRAE 90.1 2010 (zone 3). I'm focusing on table 9.4.3-B:

? In tradable surfaces, there is "Uncovered Parking areas/Parking areas and drive = 1.1 W/m2"

? In non-tradable surfaces, there is "Parking near 24-hour retail entrances = 800 W per Main entry"
My project has a main entry just next a 2000 m2 parking.

Does anyone know if I can add the 800 W to the 2200 W allowed for the parking (2000 m2 x 1.1 W/m2)?

Many thanks

Julien Dutel, ing., CEM, CMVP.
Direction des secteurs r?sidentiel, institutionnel et des affaires
Bureau de l'efficacit? et de l'innovation ?nerg?tiques
Minist?re des Ressources naturelles
5700, 4e Avenue Ouest, B-406
Qu?bec (Qu?bec) G1H 6R1
T?l?phone : 418 627-6379, poste 8060
T?l?phone sans frais : 1 877 727-6655
T?l?copieur : 418 643-5828
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Julien.Dutel at mern.gouv.qc.ca's picture
Joined: 2015-06-05
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My interpretation is that yes, you can add it, but in most cases you
probably don't want to. I would only dip into the non-tradable if you
can't stay under your standard tradable parking allowance, since it would
only hurt your savings otherwise. (Non-tradable must be modeled
identically in baseline/proposed.)


*Elizabeth Gillmor PE, LC, LEED AP*

*e n e r g e t i c s **consulting engineers, llc*
c 303.619.0091

2015-08-06 14:57 GMT-06:00 :

Anonymous's picture

To build on Elizabeth?s response:

If the fixtures illuminating what could be classified as ?nontradable?
parking are also illuminating tradable surfaces (i.e. uncovered parking),
it is to your advantage for a LEED model to treat all parking areas as
uncovered. GBCI would have you match wattage for those areas between
baseline/proposed cases, and you can?t ?double-count? the area between
surface types. The net result is that associated installed power is a
?dead load? on your relative savings potential.

If you are documenting installed lighting power to simply demonstrate
compliance with 90.1-2010 however (outside of a LEED project), such
non-tradable distinctions will generally help your case. I like to avoid
more work than necessary however, and for a large exterior takeoff will
usually run the numbers first without carving out nontradable surface
distinctions. In my experience: unless you have a lot of fa?ade lighting
to account for, compliance can often be demonstrated with only tradable
surface allowances, and you can then just call it a day and move on to the
next thing.

Best of luck!



*Caton Energy Consulting*
306 N Ferrel

Olathe, KS 66061

office: 785.410.3317


*From:* Bldg-sim [mailto:bldg-sim-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] *On Behalf
Of *Elizabeth Gillmor
*Sent:* Thursday, August 06, 2015 4:10 PM
*To:* Julien.Dutel at mern.gouv.qc.ca
*Cc:* bldg-sim at lists.onebuilding.org
*Subject:* Re: [Bldg-sim] 90.1 - Exterior lighting parking

My interpretation is that yes, you can add it, but in most cases you
probably don't want to. I would only dip into the non-tradable if you
can't stay under your standard tradable parking allowance, since it would
only hurt your savings otherwise. (Non-tradable must be modeled
identically in baseline/proposed.)



*Elizabeth Gillmor **PE, LC, LEED AP*

*e n e r g e t i c s **consulting engineers, llc*


c 303.619.0091

2015-08-06 14:57 GMT-06:00 :


In a project for a 24h retail, the exterior lighting need to comply to
ASHRAE 90.1 2010 (zone 3). I?m focusing on table 9.4.3-B:

? In tradable surfaces, there is ?Uncovered Parking areas/Parking
areas and drive = 1.1 W/m2?

? In non-tradable surfaces, there is ?Parking near 24-hour retail
entrances = 800 W per Main entry?

My project has a main entry just next a 2000 m2 parking.

Does anyone know if I can add the 800 W to the 2200 W allowed for the
parking (2000 m2 x 1.1 W/m2)?

Many thanks


*Julien Dutel,* ing., CEM, CMVP*.*

Direction des secteurs r?sidentiel, institutionnel et des affaires

Bureau de l'efficacit? et de l'innovation ?nerg?tiques

Minist?re des Ressources naturelles

5700, 4e Avenue Ouest, B-406

Qu?bec (Qu?bec) G1H 6R1

T?l?phone : 418 627-6379, poste 8060

T?l?phone sans frais : 1 877 727-6655

T?l?copieur : 418 643-5828



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