We all know it: Humans have not yet evolved to work in an office environment. We are just not built for it. As someone who likes to stay fit, but also loves triple baconators from Burger King, I've come up with a few tricks to stay fit.
We've all heard of the Freshman 15 in college. But, nobody ever talks about what I would call "the 5 year 50" (by the fifth year in the office, many guys have gained 50 pounds since college).
Before we start, what's a typical day like for an engineer:
Well, we start with our morning caffeine intake, and maybe breakfast. By lunch, we are starving and often gorge ourselves so that by 2 pm, we are near comatose and need a boost. We often grab a soda or something with caffeine. This gets us through the day so that we crash about three hours later at home and then have zero energy to exercise. We rinse (shower) and repeat.
Not to mention the indoor environment and exposure to others causes us to get sick more often, and also prevents our recovery. There are also a number of factors that make us perpetually feel like crap (we'll discuss those)
It's all about feeling good. If you feel good, you will actually WANT to do something active. If you feel crumby, you will want to lounge and eat.
Here's some tricks I've come up with:
1) Carry a bottle of drinking water with you at all times.
Even if you don't drink it at first, you eventually will. Just make sure the bottle is easy to open and somewhat pleasant looking. We all get bored at work and we tend to snack because of it. Eventually, you will find yourself sipping it, which will reduce other cravings (the body often misinterprets dehydration as hunger).