Natural Ventilation Workshop @ MIT

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Dear colleagues,

We are organizing a workshop on natural ventilation to be held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and I thought that some of you might be interested in participating in this workshop.

* What: speakers from Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), Payette, Transsolar and MIT will share their experience designing, monitoring, controlling and managing naturally ventilated buildings. Case studies include both commercial and residential buildings, as well as hybrid ventilation. Additionally, we will have two hands-on workshops on CoolVent and Archsim, from installation to simulation.

* When: August 20th, 2014. From 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

* Where: MIT campus, room 3-333 (

* Architects, engineers, educators and students are all welcome. Anyone interested in participating, please register at

We will be posting more information, including the list of speakers and the program for the workshop on our website (

Hope to see some of you here!
Alonso Dominguez
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Department of Architecture
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Joined: 2014-07-12
Reputation: 0

Dear Alonso

I couldn't participate your workshop, so could you please create video-translation of workshop.

Best regards
Serge Volkov
Smart Innovative Building Solution
Moscow based engineering company

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Joined: 2014-07-12
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