SSc8 vs. EAc1 - LEEDv3 mistake in ext. lighting power calculation...???...

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Hi there,

I came across a strange thing on a LEEDv3 (v2009) project. One team was working on SSc8 and the other on EAc1. While the exterior lighting power density should be calculated in accordance with A90.1-2007, section 9, Table 1 in both cases, the SSc8 template (referring in the description field to A90.1-2007) was automatically looking up A90.1-2010 values (allowable LPD) while EAc1, table 1.4 was using A90.1-2007 values. I know that usually the LEED reviewer flags (cross-checks SSc8 vs EAc1 ext. lighting calcs) this if inconsistency is found. Has anyone experienced a mistake like this???...and how did you resolve it???


Norbert Repka PhD.

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Our electrical engineer ran into this exact thing Wednesday.

Not sure how he resolved it, but you aren't crazy, we found the same thing.

- I'll see what I can find out Tuesday, after Labor Day, if I'm not furloughed.

John Eurek PE, LEED AP

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"-That's the exact issue I found. I included a note on both SSc8 and the lighting tab on EAp2 (?) indicating such. In my opinion, ASHRAE 90.1-2007 should be followed in all cases, not Addendum 1 as listed in SSc8 (which is really 90.1-2010) as it was not applicable to the design of the project."

We haven't submitted it yet, so I can't attest to the leed regimes' willingness to except it.

John Eurek

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I ran into this face first a few months back - see attached attempt at a heads up for more information.

In short, the SSc8 templates are based around 90.1-2007 addendum i, note LEED is a bit misleading and incorrectly calls it addendum 1.

If your project was registered prior to November of 2011 you might be able to make a case to use the pre-addenda calculations.

I anticipate otherwise your SSc8 team needs to re-do their calculations, and you'll need to update your model's proposed/baseline figures in kind.

Sorry for the probably-bad news =(,


Nick-Caton's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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Good morning, all,

Although Addendum I must be used for projects registered after the cited
date, the Baseline exterior lighting power allowance may still be calculated
bases on 90.1-2007 without addendum i. If using the revised baseline for
SSc8, only the reported proposed exterior lighting power must be reported
identically. The new Supplemental Section 1.4 Tables spreadsheet
automatically calculates the baseline exterior lighting allowance using this

Have a great day!

Cam Fitzgerald

Cam Fitzgerald2's picture
Joined: 2012-12-14
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Hi Cam, thanks for the input!

I've re-read your response a few times and would like to be sure I fully understand. Would you please confirm (or otherwise correct) the following statements?

1. Where SSc8 documentation must follow addendum i to calculate the exterior lighting power allowance, the baseline energy model for EAp2/EAc1 may optionally document a differing exterior lighting power allowance per 90.1-2007 without addendum i.

2. Proposed exterior lighting power should match between SSc8 documentation and the EAp2/EAc1 Proposed energy model, for any case.

Thank you,


Nick-Caton's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 805

Good afternoon, Nick,

Correct on both counts. I believe the thinking is that Addendum I aligns
more closely with the variable exterior lighting requirements based on the
project's location (e.g. urban, rural, etc) so it seemed appropriate to
adopt this addendum for SSc8 calculations for LEED projects. Since EAp2-c1
is not required to follow any specific addenda, it is permissible to use the
unmodified calculations to determine the allowance for the baseline case.

Have a great day!


Cam Fitzgerald2's picture
Joined: 2012-12-14
Reputation: 1

Thanks all. This is my understanding so far too.


Norbert Repka's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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Thanks again, Cam!

This clarification is immediately helpful for a current project I'm working on, and I'm sure almost any other project seeking SSc8 alongside energy model credits.


Nick-Caton's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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