eQuest documentation and LEED compilance

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I wanted to ask you two questions realted to eQuest:

- In the 'Compilance Analysis options' screen from eQuest, there is a
check box named 'Write LEED energy summary report', but it is not
activated. ?how can this capability be used?

- The eQuest 3.60 and 3.61 seem to como without any documentation (when
installiong the EXE files available in the web). Is there a place where
complete documentqation on eQuest is available?

Looking forward to hear from you,

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Xavier_Garc=EDa_Casals?='s picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 0


You need 3.61B or later to get the on line
documentation. Current "stable" version is 3.61e.

Of course, California T-24 only recognizes 3.60
currently. Politics.

The Compliance area is only for California Title-24.
As far as I know, THAT LEED is a railway spur in need
of future expansion.

LEED means different things to different Codes. There
is hope that an ASHRAE 90.1 RuleSet will be developed
soon. But the Codes seem to change faster than the
eQuest code writers can accept them.

Don't expect everything to be "cookbook" in these
progrmas. You STILL need to:

1) Make sure a particular analysis makes common sense.

2) Confirm EVERY Base vs. Proposed input, and not
accept eQuest automatic inputs.

John Aulbach's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 1