URGENT: VRV modeling - input variables

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Dear all,

I have a meeting with the Mechanical engineers tomorrow, and one of the
topics to be discussed is VRVs.

The HVAC strategy was VAV for all the school, with FCU's for 15
specified zones.

An update to the design changed 4 of these 15 zones into a VRV system (I
do not know why they decided on this!)

So I must now model these zones with VRV systems.

My urgent questions that may require further discussion with the
Mechanical design engineers are:

1. I think I must know the performance curves of the VRV system.
However, the final choice of the VRV brand is not finalized, and I may
need to assume a typical performance curve. Any idea on which curve to
2. I have the EER of the VRV system to be 10. Where should I enter
this? Is it that I need to create a separate chiller for the VRVs with
an EER of 10?
3. What additional important input variables do I need from the
design team? (zone supply air flow rate, outdoor air flow rate)

Many thanks for your kind help!

Best regards,

Omar Katanani

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