Issues with cordinates

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Hello -

I am new to eQuest. Previouslty carried out a project by creating a building
model in Revit taking into GBS-using the gbXML file to import into eQuest.
This was a fairly simple process and I was able to conduct the project well.

Now am working on project and drafter the plan in AutoCAD. The place I work
has only AutoCAD LT so no accessability of any other 3d softwares.

Te building is a sports center. I have simplified it into 4 blocks which all
have different heights.(all the blocks are attached, not laid out
I have been using the DD Wizard and trying to make 4 different blocks. Each
time I do the first block and start the second the alignment is gone. I use
the same world coordinated from the AutoCAD file.

-What are site corodinates. What should one insert when importing a autoCAD
- How do we make the 2nd part of the building. (i understand tht we need to
create new shell, but there are so many options such as underlay the first
building u did, coordinates etc etc)
- What is the easiet and fatest way to do this.

thank You.

Pranita Kothuru
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Joined: 2011-09-30
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