Pool Dehumidification Unit - heat recovery

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I'm modeling a packaged DX pool dehumidification unit with a pool water condenser. Project is a recreational natatorium in Dallas.

During dehumidification, hot gas is directed:
1st to space heating loads via unit mounted reheat coil
2nd to pool heating via unit mounted pool water condenser
3rd external condenser

Since this is a LEED project we have to meet ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Mandatory Provisions. Section requires a pool cover. The following exception could apply:
"Pools that receive over 60% of their energy (computed over an annual operating season) from either heat recovery or site-solar energy do not need covers. Heat recovered from a pool dehumidification system can be used to meet this requirement."

I'm finding that the dehumidification unit reduces the pool heating energy use by approximately 14% annually. Has anyone done a similar calculation to document compliance with this exception? Right now I'd just like a rough engineering check.

Heath Baxa, P.E., LEED AP

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