EEM Analysis

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I have been the past 2 months with eQuest trying to model a single room lab under various energy saving measures, such as reducing exhaust air by sash close during non use, set back to room temperatures after office hours, adjusting room RH to reduce dehumidification, etc.. I exported the basic HVAC load calculation from Elite software to equest program, but ended with several error messages. After manually inputting all the parameters, I managed to get a baseline report, which gives erroneous energy values vs utility cost values. The program does not input much of the load values to arrive at a reasonable HVAC energy requirement. The program terminates if I add chilled and hot water options to baseline electric option.

Is there any training offered for this software? There seems to be too many bugs in the software.

S. Narayan Sharma

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Joined: 2011-12-17
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