Receptacle Energy

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I am trying to model a 2-story college going for LEED. The building
contains several differernt lab rooms which includes a lof of
equipment (Approximately 26W/ft^2 for half of the building). After running
the simulation, the preliminary report states that the annual TDV Energy Use
Summary for the entire building is 847.95 TDV-kBtu/sqft-yr with 684.71
towards the receptacle energy. Trying to get the minimum 14% energy cost
savings is almost impossible with this receptacle energy. What options do I
have to reduce the Receptacle Energy in order to meet criteria for LEED
points? Is there somewhere I can input this heat load so it does not have
such a great impact on the energy use summary report and still have an
accurate model of the building?
-Steven Rutter

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