I'm preparing a model for an office building for LEED Canada CS 2009.
Modelling is with EE4 following NRCan rules with an MNECB reference
building. Base building includes rooftop units, baseboard perimeter heat,
core area with washrooms, electrical rooms, stairwells, elevators, etc. One
floor of the building has a ceiling in place with VAV boxes, diffusers and
lights laid out for an open office plan (as laid out in the lease). The
other two floors of the building have VAV boxes installed as base building
but the tenants will be responsible for installing lights or diffusers in
tenant fit-ups. Walls will probably be added and VAV boxes may need to
change at that point in time.
I had the owner put requirements in the lease for lighting power density and
lighting controls (Core Performance Guide) so I'll be claiming credit for
those. The problem I have is that there are no floor layouts indicating
open office areas, private offices, conference rooms, staff rooms, etc. so
I'm not sure what to use for reference building lighting power density and
plug loads in the leased tenant areas. My first thought for lighting was to
use the building area method for the reference building then use a mix of
actual installed lighting and Core Performance Guide lighting densities in
the proposed assuming all open office plans for the tenant fit-up areas.
Any comments would be appreciated.
As a side note, I don't see any requirement in Canada for 25% of energy
being process like there is in the US.
Aaron Smith, P.Eng