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Hi All,
In the ASHRAE-90.1-2004 it is menitioned that we have to
model chilled water pumps in baseline for 22W/gpm and hot water pumps
for 19W/gpm but there is no input in the software as W/gpm for the
pumps either we can enter gpm or watts seperatly then how can we
incorporate this for baseline?

In Page 182 G3.1.3.3 it is mentioned that hot water supply and return
temperature shall be 180 ansd 130F is this for boilers or Domestic hot
water heating system?

If in our proposed case DHW is electric type than can we show some
energy consumption difference for baseline DHW in terms of some
efficiency, insulation or temperature parameters or not ,or only if
our DHW is solar type than only savings can be claimed from

In Page G3.1.3.10 it is mentiond that chilled water oumos serving less
than 300TR shall be be modelled as primary/secondary system with
secondary pump riding the pump curve.I did'nt get what is meaning of
secondary pump riding the pump curve.

I shall be obliged if any one can give satisfactory answers to these
queries regarding ASHRAE.


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Joined: 2011-09-30
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