Hello all,
I am performing an energy model on a central energy plant in Florida and
this is the situation. I have modeled it for one chiller, pump, and
cooling tower but actually it has 3 primary CHW pumps, 2 secondary, 3
cooling towers, and 3 chillers. I have one AHU and two FCU's all three
have electric reheat and on the chilled water loop. I have an already
calculated process load of the building by the electrical engineer so
therefore I don't want to account for the same process loads more than
once. I've have metered the building as EM1 and the chiller, pump, and
cooling tower as EM2. I'm stumbling on how to run the process load of
EM2 without having count towards the total energy consumption. ASHRAE
90.1 states that 25% of the buildings process load has to be used in the
proposed design and I'm trying to account for that. I ran a simulation
and it attached for anyone's viewing pleasure. I'm trying to lower the
space cooling, ventilation fans, and pumps &aux and to eliminate the
heat rejection from the cooling tower(s). If anyone could give some
advice I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Christopher Sturdivant