Water-side free cooling

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Hi All,

I have specified a chiller as water economizer to create a free cooling heat
exchanger, with a cooling tower that represents a heat sink that is actually
a canal. The cooling tower was added so that the program would use the
cooling tower conditions to determine if the free cooling heat exchanger
could run. The loop connected to the cooling tower is scheduled for the
actual monthly conditions of the canal.

By reviewing hourly operating values for the free cooling system, I have
discovered that the actual temperature of the canal is being offset
downwards whenever there is a large load, regardless of the actual scheduled
setpoint. (The larger the load, the lower the setpoint value.)

In addition, the cooling tower output values are all zero, leading me to
believe that it is not operating at all.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance provided for either of these


MaryAnne Mason

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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