VRF System Modeling - eQUEST

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I don't have any experience with this yet, but recognizing that it will
be necessary for myself in the near future as it is for some, like
yourself, already I went ahead and asked our local Daikin Rep about
getting VRF routines incorporated into eQuest. The following is a
response given today by the Daikin engineering department:

|...EnergyPro is basically done. The VRVIII units have been added and
DOE |testing has been performed to verify the results. Martyn Dodd will
be at |Sawgrass to bring us all up to speed.
|eQuest as well EnergyPlus are next to tackle and we have already made
|contact and started working with the software developers. The time
frame |is middle to end of 2009 for both software packages. eQuest is
more of a |wildcard because there are some major software changes
happening on that |platform because of something called the "Design
Sizing" project which is |very delayed and could end up hurting our
timeline. I have found in past |that these timelines typically slip so
please be wary about making any |concrete promises but you have my
assurance that it is being worked on and |we will eventually (i.e.
anywhere from 12 months to 30 months) have this |done.
|If this is a project with immediate LEED implications, I would explore
|EnergyPro. There is a Daikin specific site on EnergyPro's domain now.
|Sherwin Khayatian

So, at least from the Daikin side it seems that the only sure way to go
at this time is with EnergyPro. I don't know of a responsive local
Mitsubishi Rep in my area, but maybe someone out there can ask similar
question to Mitsubishi regarding their involvement with supporting an
eQuest-compatible VRF routine.


Dan Russell, EIT

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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