Using Dedicated Outdoor Air System defies ASHRAE 62.1

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FYI : When using "OA-FROM-SYSTEM" in to model a Dedicated Outdoor Air
System (DOAS), you must specify "Sum of Zone OA" both for the DOAS and
the AHU that it is serving. The "OA-FROM-SYSTEM" does not correctly
update the DOAS Flow Rate to meet the AHU Outdoor Air Design Ventilation
if you specify "Set by Critical Zone".

This causes a problem as "Set by Critical Zone" is the correct way to
Design the Maximum Ventilation Rate according to ASHRAE 62-2004. Based
on my 200,000 ft2 School model, the "Sum of Zone OA" undersizes the
amount of Ventilation Air by 25%. Obviously significant.

Note that this is using Equest 3.6. Can someone tell me whether this
has been fixed in Equest 3.61.


Ian Doebber

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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