Unmet hours

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Fairly new modeler here. I am having an issue with unmet heating hours (About 519 of them), but my question deals with a series of variables I am using from "Hourly Results" (attached). This unit is an AHU with a hot water coil, no outdoor air and the throttling range is 6 deg. From the attachment, I highlighted all the hours where the temperature was 3 deg less than the set point. The schedule is the one found on January 4th, not the first 3 days. I don't understand why eQuest is not using the same schedule for the entire year. Is there other data I should be looking at to figure out my problem? Or is it simply that this unit cannot recovery fast enough? I did quickly try raising the set point 0.5 degrees each hour, but still had 464 unmet hours.

And why does eQuest use -999 in unoccupied periods where the set point is satisfied?

Thanks, Adam

Adam Rustige

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Joined: 2012-08-09
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