I'm trying to run the Title 24 Savings By Design Compliance Engine for eQuest but am encountering a problem with errors that seem "buggy" to me.
This is the sequence of the run::
1) I hit the Compliance Analysis Engine button and in the Options window, I select:
Energy Code & Version: Savings by Design - T24, 2008 - v1 (Title24-08.bin)
Compliance Analysis Type: Preliminary
Simulation Output: Minimal Reporting (fastest)
And I check "Store Intermediate Simulation Models".
2) After evaluating the rule set, a User Prompt pops up that says: "The ruleset processor has posted the following user prompts: --At least on SPACE in the building has DOE 2.2 inputs for automatic daylighting controls. These will be ignored for Title 24 compliance analysis Use prescriptive lighting control credits instead. -At least one HVAC system has minimum ventilation properties assigned. These will be ignored for compliance analysis. Enter ventilation rates using SPACE and ZONE properties. -Circulation loop: All user input process loads will be removed for compliance analysis.
Would you like to Continue performing the analysis, or Abort?
3) I click "Continue"
4) The program runs through the compliance engine steps and gets to "Step 2". It runs through "Initializing Ruleset and Examining Inputs", "Generating Proposed Building Description", "Performing Proposed HVAC Sizing Run", Runs the BDL Load File
5) The Error window appears and reads: "Compliance Analysis Error: Error(s) encountered Performing Proposed HVAC-Sizing Simulation..."
6) I hit "OK"
7) And that's it. No other messages, no more engine running.
8) When I look in the project folder, eQuest has generated both the T24 Proposed.inp and the SBD Propsed.inp
Bottomline: Has anyone encountered something similar to this? If Yes, how did you proceed?
Thanks in advance for any help, suggestions, or comments.
Alexandra N. Gibson