I have two concrete cases where I'm embarrassed regarding lighting in a swimming pool with 90.1.
Case 1 : A swimming pool building (the building is a swimming pool)
In the lighting section of 90.1, the Building Area Method (9.5) has no building area type corresponding specifically to a swimming pool. My guess would be to choose the "Gymnasium" because as a swimming pool, there is high ceiling and locker room.
Using the Building Area Method, is the "Gymnasium" a correct assumption for a swimming pool building ?
Case 2 : A swimming pool in a residential building
Assuming that the "multifamily"'s LPD doesn't allow me to comply to the Building Area Method, and I decide to choose the space by space method. My guess would be to choose a building-specific space type in the list "Sport Arena", but I'm block by these unanswered question
? Court sport arena - class 4
? Court sport arena - class 2
? Court sport arena - class 1
Using the Space by Space Method, what would be the best building-specific space type for the area dedicated to the pool ?
Julien Dutel, ing., CEM, CMVP.
Direction des secteurs r?sidentiel, institutionnel et des affaires
Bureau de l'efficacit? et de l'innovation ?nerg?tiques
Minist?re des Ressources naturelles
5700, 4e Avenue Ouest, B-406
Qu?bec (Qu?bec) G1H 6R1
T?l?phone : 418 627-6379, poste 8060
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