Mitsubishi Curves for eQuest

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I am looking for some help in troubleshooting a VRF model I created by following the attached Mitsubishi documents.

I followed all of the steps with no problems up to the point of selecting the VRF heating capacity curve. As soon as I selected VRF Heating Capacity Curve under the Cap Curve/Waste Heat tab, the space heating kWh disappears (in addition to a massive negative utility bill for the month of January).

There is an additional twist - I was able to select the VRF Heating Capacity Curve for all basement zones and assign it without the model going bonkers, it just goes off the rails when selecting this curve for any of the above grade zones. I have been combing through the model trying to figure out what is causing this but with no luck so far.

I have attached my project file in the zip file titled Bank as well as the original Mitsubishi info. Thanks again in advance for any help.


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