NREL Job Openings - Residential Buildings Group

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On behalf of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) I would like to announce two job openings in the Residential Buildings group.

NREL is located in beautiful Golden, CO, and is a leader in the U.S. Department of Energy's effort to secure an energy future for the nation that is environmentally and economically sustainable. Our mission is to develop renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies and practices, advance related science and engineering and transfer knowledge and innovations to address the nation's energy and environmental goals.

Job/Research Summary
The Residential Buildings group at NREL has two engineering positions available. Both positions support residential buildings research as it pertains to the advancement of energy-efficient technologies into new and existing homes. There are health, PTO and other benefits associated with these positions. NREL will pay for some relocation costs for the selected candidates. All applicants should include a cover letter along with their resume letting the recruiter know how they qualify for the position.

Job Duties
The first position is for an Energy System Research Engineer. This individual will be responsible for coordinating the research for the Building America Industry Teams as well as conducting analysis and applied building energy research in both lab and field testing environments. The second position is for a Research Analyst. This individual will be responsible for organizing, analyzing, and documenting field data collected from a variety of sources, evaluating data quality using statistical methods, and conducting building energy simulations that compare expected and actual building cost and performance.

Please see the attached PDF files for more information on each job requisition. For complete responsibilities and requirements, please apply online on our website at: . If you have any questions or for confidential inquiries, please contact Joan McMahon at joan.mcmahon at or call 303-384-7567.

Thank you,

Kate Hudon

Hudon, Kate's picture
Joined: 2011-10-02
Reputation: 0