Now Open for Public Comment - DOE UMP Commercial New Construction Evaluation Protocol

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Dear Energy Simulation Professionals:
I wanted to make you were aware of the public comment period that opened up yesterday for a specific DOE Uniform Methods Project (UMP) measure - "Commercial New Construction Evaluation Protocol". See for the comment site. The main site for the UMP is here:

Per the protocol description - "This protocol describes best practices for evaluating "whole building performance" new construction projects in the commercial sector. The focus is on measures (or packages of measures) whose impacts are best evaluated using building simulation." The protocol describes a savings verification workflow adherent to IPMVP Option D, including descriptions of data requirements and collection methods. In addition, the protocol introduces (5) new terms for different (evolving) models used in new construction design assistance. And much more.
If you work on new construction energy models of commercial buildings that need to claim 'verified savings' over a baseline for some purpose (utility program incentives, LEED certification, etc.), I encourage you to read and comment on this proposed protocol. While guised as a protocol (not a standard), if not harmonized with existing protocols and evolving standards it may end up creating confusion in the marketplace than necessary.

At any rate, the comment period for this remains open until December 20th.

All the Best,

Chris Balbach, PE, CEM, CMVP, BEAP, BEMP, BESA

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Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 1