The DOE Commercial Building Benchmark Energy Models for existing buildings have been posted. There are three sets of models - new construction following 90.1-2004, post-1980 mostly following 90.1-1989, and pre-1980. The 90.1-2004 versions have been available, but the post-1980 and pre-1980 models have recently been completed and posted to the DOE website. There are 16 building types and 16 locations for each vintage. The models are available as EnergyPlus 4.0 input files. Also available are the EnergyPlus html output file and a spreadsheet "scorecard" that documents the model inputs and the results from the EnergyPlus simulation. Updated versions will be made available a few weeks after the next release of EnergyPlus in April.
You can access the models at
Best regards,
Kristin M. Field