Negative capacity ratio problem for complex cooling/heating system

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Hi eQuest Users,

I am modeling a complex cooling/heating system.

It includes:
One heat recovery water-cooled screw chiller
Two air-cooled screw chillers
Two water-cooled screw chillers
One ground source heat pump (GSHP)

The heating source is district steam.

When I connected all these chillers and steam meter together on a 2-pipe
loop, an error occurred.
"coil curve generating a negative capacity ratio. Check the loop supply
temperature, 140.F, for consistency with the coil curves"
However, no error occurred when I separate the steam meter to another hot
water loop. Obviously, separate the steam meter on hot water loop is not
what I want for not considering GSHP.

Does anyone have a solution of my problem?


Fiona You

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