LEED Review Comment: Spaces served by Unit Heaters

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Sorry for the cross-postings.

3. It is unclear how the spaces served by unit heaters have been modeled in the Baseline model. Provide a clarification narrative on the modeling methodology with regards to system sizing, fan power, and capacities.

It is unclear why this comment is stated for a project pursuing version 2.2. A space served by a unit heater must be modeled with cooling identical to its system modeled in baseline per ASHRAE 90.1-2004 Table G3.1.10.d. A unit heater is not acceptable criteria for exception to G3.1.1. Therefore if a building baseline HVAC system type is regarding as VAV then spaces served by unit heaters must also have a VAV baseline HVAC system type.

It is understood that ASHRAE 90.1-2010 contains an exception to Table G3.1.10.d and that G3.1.1 contains exception e. However, this should not apply to V2.2.

Am I missing something again or is this a plug-in comment from later versions?

Thank you.

Kevin Kyte2's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 2