leed and firestations 90.1 baseline hvac answer from gbci/usgbc

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we have received two separate answers from the usgbc/gbci (same
individual responding) concerning fire stations and 90.1 baseline hvac
systems with regards to a leed review. note: these are responses to
questions submitted to the usgbc thru the support section of the usgbc
website by two separate engineering offices, one on nov 9, the other a
week or so later. as the responses were sent from the same email
address (to two different engineering offices) they are similar but not
quite exact. response emails received monday, dec 20, 2010.

the responder also requested we let her know which projects were
affected by the reviewer's comments so the comments could be corrected -
unfortunately this is after the work was done to change the models to
meet the resubmittal deadlines so the models won't be changed again
(unless there are more comments) as time = money = energy.

Answer #1: Case #00333388
Thank you for contacting the Green Building Certification Institute.

Additionally, your position as described to determine the Baseline case
HVAC system for fire stations is appropriate and correct. The Baseline
case HVAC system should be determined in accordance with Table G3.1.1A
as non-residential.

Although the building may contain residential spaces as defined by the
Standard, the predominant space types would not be residential, and
therefore, the HVAC system type to be modeled in the Baseline case would
not be #1 or #2. The Baseline case HVAC system would be selected in
accordance with Table G3.1.1A based on the predominant space type (most
likely not residential). Additional system types would not be permitted,
unless an Exception to G3.1.1 was applicable.

Note that the building envelope requirements for the Baseline case at
the residential spaces of the project (i.e. sleeping quarters) should be
determined using the Residential column of the appropriate Climate Zone
table in Section 5.

Answer #2: Case #00339411
Question 1 and 2: A fire station is not typically classified as
residential for the application of ASHRAE 90.1-2004. Please note that
although the building may contain residential spaces as defined by the
Standard, the predominant space types would not be residential, and
therefore, the HVAC system type to be modeled in the Baseline case would
not be #1 or #2. The Baseline case HVAC system would be selected in
accordance with Table G3.1.1A based on the predominant space type (most
likely not residential).

Question 3: Yes, if the predominant space type for the fire station is
non-residential, and the project is less than 75,000 sf, in accordance
with Table G3.1.1A, the Baseline case HVAC system for the entire
building would be type #3, unless an Exception to G3.1.1 would apply.

Question 4: Only a single Baseline HVAC system type should be modeled,
unless an Exception to G3.1.1 would apply.


Patrick J. O'Leary, Jr.'s picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 200