Lab Baseline for EAc1 LEED 2.2

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Has anyone been able to utilize (i.e. been submitted and accepted by GBCI) the specific lab baselines in the 2007 PRM instead of dividing systems into multiple single zone systems that are expected by using the "pressurization" exception c to Table G3.1.1. Or has anyone just used 2004 with addendum am (VAV minimum air = ventilation air) for lab areas and ignored the "pressurization" exception?

And if one must use the 2004 PRM baseline of multiple PSZs for a VAV lab system, and if some zones only have general exhaust, what exactly is the outside air and exhaust for each system? Would it be the minimum outside air or the design air (driven by the heat load), all of which happens to be outside air in the VAV system, but which would not need be 100% OA in an SZ system?

Thanks for any experience that you could bring to bear on this.

Fred Porter

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