IBPSA-Seattle Meeting - Addendum bm Discussion

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Hi all,

Please see text below for a scheduled discussion on Addendum BM. There has been a high level of interest in this addendum and its implications on the Performance Rating Method in Appendix G.

Nathan Miller, Senior Energy Analyst at Rushing Company, would host the meeting and Michael Rosenberg from PNNL would be presenting.
Mike has been involved with the development of the addendum and would be available to address any questions that the group might have regarding the same.

This meeting is scheduled as an online discussion for November 19th 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST. Link for joining the meeting is provided below.

About the Addendum:
The proposed addendum bm adds a compliance path to Standard 90.1 to allow modeling in accordance with Appendix G (Performance Rating Method), provided the percentage improvement of at least 45 percent over a baseline design. In addition, this addendum proposes to make the baseline consistent with the prescriptive requirements of 90.1-2004, and it will remain that way in future versions of the standard.
There have been discussions within the group that this approach would further confuse people about the proper procedures to use in Appendix G modeling and the Appendix G compliance path should be kept the way it is as a % improvement over the current iteration and not the 2004 version.
More information regarding the addendum is available out here.

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Supriya Goel

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Joined: 2011-12-07
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