IBPSA News, October 2008 issue and IBPSA's new Publicity structure.

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**Solicitation for IBPSA News items will be coming soon, so get ready! But
first, let me tell you about IBPSA's new public outreach structure! **

Following the BS2007 conference in Beijing, President Jan Hensen, along with
the IBPSA Board's concurrence, decided to do some restructuring of IBPSA's
publicity outreach activities. One of the new initiatives is IBPSA's
official journal, Journal of Building Performance Simulation (JBPS), edited
by Jan Hensen and Ian Beausoleil-Morrison. [See
http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/19401493.asp.] First published in
March 2008, the Journal has already become a widely respected, scholarly,
journal of outstanding peer-reviewed building performance simulation works
across the globe. We are also building an alliance with AIVC (the Air
Infiltration and Ventilation Centre - http://www.aivc.org
, which is the official information Centre of the IEA
(International Energy Agency) for ventilation and air infiltration in
buildings. They publish a wealth of information in a quarterly newsletter,
AIR (Air Information Review), which will occasionally carry IBPSA
announcements of various conferences and other events. You will find their
newsletters extremely informative, and you can find a full collection of the
news archives, starting from 1989 and up through the present at:

IBPSA's new structure now has a Public Relations committee, which I am
pleased to chair. Members of this committee include Veronica Soebarto
(Adelaide) as the Newsletter Editor-in-Chief, Etienne Wurtz (IBPSA-France),
and Marion Bartholomew (U.K.) as Newsletter Production Editor. Marion has
served this function remarkably well over the past 12 or more years, and we
are pleased to continue to have her services.

So, get ready to submit your simulation news items. Watch for a request
from Veronica Soebarto - it should be coming soon. Take a look at
http://www.ibpsa.org/m_newsletter.asp to see the past Newsletters from 1996
to the present.

Best regards,

Larry O. Degelman, P.E.

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Joined: 2011-10-01
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